The book “Intelligenza Artificiale – Il diritto, i diritti, l’etica”, edited by Prof. Ruffolo and published by Giuffrè Francis-Lefebvre, is now available.
As in China, Singapore and South Korea, a contact tracing app is also being developed in Italy. The app will be able, during the so-called "Phase 2" of the health emergency, to monitor the individual's contacts with infected subjects, based on the recording of the position of the individual’s smartphone with respect to other devices.
The Firm, while complying with the provisions aimed at containing the Covid-19 infection, is fully operational and continues to offer assistance to its customers.
The ongoing Covid-19 emergency and the adoption of measures for its containment face companies with serious problems in the management of their contractual relationships, affecting the ability of the parties to perform or receive the related obligations.
The current state of emergency relating to the spread of Covid-19 (“Coronavirus”), also following the measures adopted by the Government to contain the spread of contagion, places businesses, but also individual citizens, in the face of new problems, also of a legal nature